Monday, February 18, 2008


According to the American Heritage Stedman's Medical Dictionary the definitions are:

a) compulsive preoccupation with an idea or an unwanted feeling or emotion,
often accompanied by symptoms of anxiety

b) a compulsive, often unreasonable idea or emotion

I am completely addicted to the scale. I don't always post my weight here everyday, but bet your bottom dollar I weigh myself many times throughout the day. The closer I become to the goals that I have spoken about that are just right around the corner, the more I am weighing myself.

I hope once I reach goal (whatever that is), that I will be able to back off the scale some. I'd like to get to only weighing once a day. I just know I don't want to ever get back to the point I was before, and that is going to take some effort on my part.

Weight is the same as it was yesterday.

1 comment:

Dagny said...

People develop different relationships with the scale. It's not always a healthy thing! I have an electronic scale so I used to keep the batteries out of it and I only weighed once a week under the same conditions. I avoid the scale now because I don't want to be obsessed with THE NUMBER. It can start to mess with your head!