Thursday, February 26, 2009

The I Should Be Sleeping Blog Entry

I should be sound asleep, but for some reason I cannot fall asleep yet. I am going to blog for a few minutes, then try to go back to bed. I did get a chance to go to the grocery store, and I scored a very healthy cart of DS friendly foods. The only exception being one container of Tagalong flavored ice cream.

Here is the easiest thing that I made tonight that I am looking forward to having on the menu OFTEN:

Chili Flavored Chicken Salad:
* Large can of chicken
* Lots of Mayo
* 1 package of chili powder seasoning

I tried a spoonful of it tonight, and it was incredible. What I particularly love is just how EASY it is to make! Now I can use the several cans of chicken that have been sitting in my cabinet for oh so long!

Ben and I talked about weight/body image issues for a little bit tonight. For someone who has never been down the road I've traveled, I could not ask for more understanding than he has given to me. He is such a blessing.

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