Thursday, January 29, 2009

Breaking the Negative Self Talk Cycle

Over at Scale Junkie, there is an excellent post on "Breaking the Negative Self Talk Cycle." I know that I am one who is big on the negative self talk when it comes to my body image. There are so many things that I need to be proud of regarding my body. Scale Junkie came up with a list of positive things. Here is my list:
  • I have lost 253 pounds.
  • I have so much more energy than I used to have.
  • I can climb steps without heaving from being out of breath.
  • I do a good job at getting my protein in first.
  • I have completely kicked my heavy Coca-Cola habit. I drink water all the time. (I'm just as proud of this as losing 253 pounds. This addiction was severe!)
  • I have done things that I would have never been able to do as SSMO: horseback riding, skydiving, hot air ballooning, and the Euro Bungee. (I am going to do zip lining too.)
  • I can run. I am not currently running due to some restrictions of my PCP, but I am able to run. This was a miracle for me.
  • I feel more confident when I am around people these days.
  • I am engaged to a man I love deeply.
  • I am encouraged about what the future has in store for me. (I had certainly reached a "low" point prior to having my WLS, wondering how much longer I could push myself in my almost 400 pound body.)

What good things do you have going on in your life? Thank you so much Scale Junkie for this idea!

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