Sunday, August 26, 2012

Cooking Saturday

I had several awesome things I wanted to make this Saturday.  The first was a batch of cookies for HH and I. 
I made up another batch of Asparagulicious Chicken Salad.  This will be for me to munch on when I need some extra protein.
For dinner tonight we are having:

Baked Pierogi Casserole 

This recipe comes from a new blog called, "Table for Seven."

I was impatient with this dish.  I nuked the cream cheese in the microwave instead of letting it melt slowly on the stove.  This is why there is lumps in my final product.  The taste was great though.

I am going to a baby shower tomorrow, and I volunteered to make cupcakes and a hot dip appetizer. 

Mountain Dew Cupcakes

I'll post the dip recipe later in the evening.  I've got a soup and side recipe that I plan on making tonight too.

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