Thursday, July 3, 2008

Ah Well

I couldn't think of another title for this post, perhaps because it is early, and I am tired. Ah Well will have to do.

There was a mix up with part of my labs, so after working in my classroom yesterday, I had to go back over and have blood redrawn. Apparently, two tubes of my blood were supposed to be frozen, and they were not. When I got home late last night, there was a message about my labs, so I need to call today to see if some of the results have already come in. I also made a stop to get a paper signed saying that I have 20/20 vision, so I can get my vision restriction taken off my license. I had Lasik done in 2006, and have not taken the time to get this done.

I met Ben yesterday at 3:00, and went to the nursing home with him. (He is a volunteer chaplain at two different nursing homes.) I used to do nursing home visitation in college, and forgot how much of a delight it is. It was also the first time that I got to hear him preach. It is so amazing when you get to see people doing what they love, and are obviously called to do.

We sat through two different dinners while doing visitation, and I had forgotten how insistent elderly people can be about eating. I didn't eat anything, but it certainly was not for lack of them trying to get me to eat. Then at the second dining room, there was only one chair at the table, so Ben let me sit down, and he stood. One of the ladies, who knew that we were dating, suggested that I just "sit in his lap." He chuckled about that not being appropriate, but how he would like that. The whole time I am just floored that someone actually thought I was small enough to sit on a man's lap. (There is NO way that I would do this, as I still weigh 167 pounds, but still!)

After we left the nursing home, we had a bit of a drive to get back to campus. He starts talking to me about my birthday surprise. He says that I need to start off wearing jeans, but that I need a dress to change into. He said he has bought me two gifts. One gift is for me, and the other gift is for "us." My imagination has been running wild.

Ben also mentioned how eager he was to meet my family. I told him that my sister only lives a mile away from him. We dropped by, and he got to meet her. I really stared my sister up and down last night. I honestly feel that we are EXACTLY the same size. I am not ready to stop losing, and it will be strange from this point forward being the smaller sibling, as I have always been the HUGE one.

When Ben met me at my car last night, I was reading "Raising Fit Kids in a Fat World." This is a book that interests me for many reasons, because I was an obese child, because I teach children, and because I would like to have children myself. He commented on the book, and was curious as to why I was reading a book on obesity. I found that interesting. I wonder if he views me as a normal sized person, who has always been at a semi-healthy weight. I just told him that I am reviewing the book for my blog (which I will be doing), and left it at that. I know there will come a time that I will want him to know about my whole WLS journey, but right now I'm just enjoying that he likes me for me.

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