Saturday, November 8, 2008

A WOW! (And Other Updates)

I bought my first SIZE FOUR pair of dress pants!!! Woooo Hoooo!!! :)

I also was getting my toaster out this afternoon. I had it stored up high in a cabinet. I brought over a chair, and stood up on top of it, and rooted around in the cabinet for it. For so long I would never stand in these chairs (hardly ever sat in them), because they were so rickety. I didn't even realize how long I had stood on it, and it wasn't moving at all.

Basically for the past month, I have been eating whatever I want. Getting a scary call from my PCP really worried me. Suddenly the number on the scale and the size of my pants took a back seat. I wanted to stay healthy. I have had a truckload of carbs, and to be honest, more of them have been sugar related.

It was fun for a while, but I am ready to go back on my full DS "diet." One thing I was doing was having a large blueberry muffin from Starbucks every work day morning. I am giving that up, and going to a slice (maybe two) of low-carb bread with peanut butter or cream cheese. I am going back to two protein shakes a day. (I was at one this past month.) Especially since I have found protein shakes that I know are very tasty, there is really no reason not to utilize them. I am also going to start doing tuna once a day again. I think Ricotta fluff will also be coming back. I am going back to cheese sticks too.

Last night I took one of my students, Bry'shawn, to have dinner and get ice cream. His mom had written me a really sweet note about how he had matured this school year. She said how she knew that I had a big role in this process. That made me feel really good. Tonight I am going to go to the Oyster Supper fundraiser at my mom's old school.

1 comment:

Chantelle {fat mum slim} said...

Good on you! Size 4 is fabulous! xx