Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Last Day for Year Eleven

This last day was a blur.  Everything seemed to happen so quickly.  We had a pretty elaborate award's ceremony, and then the day was GONE.  I got some really nice cards.  I will miss this group of kids.  I really bonded well with them.

On a side note: In the morning when I was sorting out books to go back into bins, and leaded down to pick up a stack, and I whacked the corner of my right eye socket (the BONE) really hard.  I instantly teared up, and had one of the students go get me an ice pack.  It hurt so bad I thought I was going to have to go to the hospital to have it checked out.  I'm fine, but there is a line there, and it hurts to blink.  Now, being completely vain, I freaked because HH and I are getting our pictures made in the Black Hills tomorrow night.  I emailed the photographer and asked if she could edit if this turned into a black eye.

Today is wrapping up stuff at school with paperwork and the like, and I am going with HH to a gang training.  The man is a national gang expert among Native American Indian populations.  I hope this is good.

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