Sunday, March 4, 2012

This American Life

I really enjoyed this episode of This American Life.

"Actually one of the things that's a comfort in marriage is that there isn't a door at 7 years. And so if something is messed up in the short term, there's a comfort of knowing we made this commitment so we're just going to work this out. And even if tonight there's something wrong or something between us doesn't feel right, we have a comfort in knowing we've got time, we're going to figure this out. And it makes it so much easier. Because you do have times when you hate each other's guts, you know what I mean? And the 'no escape' clause, weirdly, is a bigger comfort to being married than I ever would have thought before I got married."

I always want my marriage to get better.  I read a lot about people who made it work, especially people who didn't have an easy go of it.  Right now I am reading 25 Surprising Marriages.  This book is about very public Christian figures over the years, and what their marriages were like.  I'm learning a lot, especially that everyone must work at their marriage.

I got to spend Friday night in Rapid with HH.  We had a room with a hot tub.  We had a bed that was bigger than the city we currently reside in.  It was awesome.  We ate Red Lobster un masse.  LOVE.

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