Saturday, October 10, 2009

Tim Hawkins Things You Don't Say to Your Wife

This is the comedian we watched last night! He was awesome!!!


Steph said...


Name: Lynise said...

Hi Tiffany and Ben,

I haven't commented for a while so just wanted to say 'hi'. Loved the Tim Hawkins song (great advice for all men) and the video clip (In Chirst alone) was VERY moving.

It certainly does make me realise that I have nothing to complain about and am very blessed. What an inspirational young man.

(another person I will be looking forward to seeing in Heaven). That probably sounds really wacky (that I've even thought about it, lol) but so far I have Joseph, Esther, Abraham, Sarah, Martin Luther King, and my mothers and fathers Dads (my grandfathers) whom I never met on the list. Of course there are more, but these are my top ones.

Hope your student teacher had a great last day. You are such a sweetheart to decide not to take the day off as it was her last day.

Take care guys.

Lynise (New Zealand)

Gberger said...

I just came over because of a recommendation from ChiTown Girl's blog. It's nice to "meet" you.

This comedian's routine is a riot; thanks for sharing.

Your weight loss is inspiring!
Blessings to you and your new hubby.