Saturday, February 14, 2009


Ben showered me in compliments today. (He never does too shabby in this department in general!!!) He kept stopping, staring at me and saying, "My you do look beautiful." :)

At the first restaurant we went to for lunch, Winstons (a really nice restaurant), there was a woman to come in who was my size prior to having WLS. My heart was so heavy. Heavy to see the emotional/physical pain this woman was in, and also worried about my own pain from not ever wanting to be that size again. As my heart breaks, I also get a total sense of freaking out. I know that I could return to being large again, and it terrifies me.

Off to get some good rest! What a great Valentine's Day!

Our Honeymoon Weekend Suite (We went to look at it today! We will be here the weekend of our honeymoon, then off to Washington, DC!)

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