Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day Gifts

I am forever thankful to the Happy Home Fairy for this Candy Gram idea!  HH loved it!!!  :)  He got four small cards, and a new set of earbuds.  The cats had played with his previous pair, and they no longer worked properly.

Message in a Bottle (Complete with ocean music in the background from You Tube!)

I love this smile!  I love when I make this smile happen!

I had asked HH if I could give him his Valentine Day stuff tonight, since I would feel more fresh than doing so tomorrow.  I will be getting his things tomorrow.

I will say that HH has taken it upon himself as part of my present to rewrite the lyrics to "White and Nerdy" by Weird Al.  He personalized the entire song, and sang it to me yesterday.  I loved it!

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