Saturday, November 20, 2010


Great lobby view!

HH is eating the Breakfast of Champions: two oatmeal cookies with a frosting middle.

HH full of enthusiasm to sell soaps for his mom!  He kept going non-stop at the show!

This is where I sat to eat lunch at the hotel.  (I didn't go to the show, total energy crash.)  I love the curtains, and I felt like this would be where A List people get a private section away from the normal customers.

Crab cakes, asparagus, and mashed potatoes....and some Kindle reading time.  I love vacation time!

1 comment:

ChiTown Girl said...

Wow, what a beautiful hotel! I'm totally jealous of your lunch, and the beautiful area you got to enjoy it in.

How did the soap peddling go? Well, I hope! I have a feeling Ben could sell ice to Eskimos, so I bet it was a wonderful event for his mom.