Friday, January 1, 2010

Bionicles and Other Such Adventures....

Bionicles....Sure they look like fun, but is anything that has over 400 pieces to put together really all that fun? I even worked on a smaller one (263 pieces) myself.

Reed serving as project assembly manager. "No, no Uncle Ben, you are doing it all wrong."

Treasures that we found in the storage area of the house. These are a pair of glasses that HH made for a play he was in. We have been amusing ourselves with some of David Letterman's Top Ten Lists.

These are actual shoes that HH's mom got in Holland while they lived in Germany during his military service. Can you believe they actually fit my clunker huge feet?

Upclose of the shoes.

Lexi...The only person who dressed up for New Years Eve.

John....just being ADORABLE!!!!

HH wearing his K-Mart Blue Light Special hat that he got when he was ten years old. His brother's tried to burn it because they despised it so, but they did not.

I liked the title of this book at the grocery store. I made HH drive to the other side of town in order to go to the only Starbucks they have here.

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