Wednesday, June 25, 2008


It is just a little less than three weeks, and I will being going on holiday to Colombia. I need to find another good probiotic to take. The kind I take, I really like, but it has to be refrigerated. I'll have to start shopping around for that one.

Then, I worry about what I will be able to eat. I have never done well with strange foods. I want to try a few new things, but I don't want to mess up my digestive system either. That would certainly make for a miserable time.

The biggest problem I have is not being able to WEIGH for that many days. I obsess over the numbers on the scale. I love when they go down, and I want to watch like a hawk that they don't go up ever again.

The other thing I want to make sure doesn't happen is that my vitamins don't get taken at airport security. I would hope that I am not the only person in the US who takes a zillion pills a day. I would flip out if they made me leave my vitamins behind.

Ok, off to go to a convention downtown to present. :)

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