Friday, May 16, 2008

August 12th: Next Big Goal

I have several mini-goals that I would like to reach before August 14th, but one major one. August 14th will be my first day in school with students. I want to be able to wear a size 10 dress pants comfortably (meaning I want to not just fit into them, but for them to look flattering on my body). This is a huge deal considering that the smallest size of pants I wore as a teacher was a size 28, and before I changed jobs ballooned all the way up to size 36W in pants.

I carry the majority of my excess weight in my hips and thighs. The amount is decreasing, but still needs to decrease quite a bit more in my eyes. I certainly think as I work towards becoming more consistent with running I will see this happen.

I had GED Professional Development this evening. We broke off into groups to discuss some writing that we had done. This lady goes on to tell me about this traumatic experience she had a year ago. She said a statement that really struck me. "You don't have to physically die in order to have life as you know it completely changed." true is that. Talk about making me want to take time to really appreciate life and my experiences more.

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